Lotro Media is a fansite where members can share screenshots and videos with the rest of the community.
All submissions on the site are moderated by members of our team (See the Team section) and as long as they don't violate the rules (see Rules section) they will be visible on the site soon after being posted. Each submission also has a category and tags which make it easy to find the exact type of content you want to see.
We also have a forum where members can discuss Lotro, Lord of the Rings in general and other completely unrelated topics.
All submissions on the site are moderated by members of our team (See the Team section) and as long as they don't violate the rules (see Rules section) they will be visible on the site soon after being posted. Each submission also has a category and tags which make it easy to find the exact type of content you want to see.
We also have a forum where members can discuss Lotro, Lord of the Rings in general and other completely unrelated topics.