Favorite region?
2 Replies
#1 | 11/18/2017  (Edited 11/18/2017)

Level: 4
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What is your favorite LOTRO region? Mine is Lothlorien

#2 | 11/23/2017

Level: 3
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Evendim. The idea of a whole region centred around this beautiful lake is incredible, and the music is too. Just ignore the quest design of the Northcotton Market :/
#3 | 11/25/2017

Level: 1
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Bree-land feels like an ultimate home to me. I find the area, with all the plains and woods and marshlands very varied. otherwise, I like the east-fold of Rohan very much, or Fangorn. I love in general the lush wooded areas. I'm not mentioning quest structures though, for they seem incredibly similarly built in many areas, and therefor they become tedious after some time. Quest-wise, I think the starter-areas are still the most varied, when we talk about types of topics and objectives.
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