Home Screenshots Light Beyond the Ruins - Eregion Dusk
Light Beyond the Ruins - Eregion Dusk Light Beyond the Ruins - Eregion Dusk
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Light Beyond the Ruins - Eregion Dusk
Published 06/13/2018

Sometimes life forcing you not to quest and to just wander is really worth it. So it was yesterday when I had limited keyboard access as my small daughter was using one monitor to watch kids TV. I needed Ancient Iron and Black Ash from Eregion, so just rode around picking up gathering nodes.

Totally worth it as this dusk approached, rich in colour with a small ruin on the hill!

Category: Landscape

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Comments (4)
Richard  (06/13/2018)

Awesome screenshot! I have always enjoyed the variety in Eregion.

Fibrojedi  (06/14/2018)

Yeah there is a great variety - it's technically not that big a region, but there's a lot of story and a huge variety in scenery!

Orclover  (06/13/2018)

nice, that is a really beautiful region

Fibrojedi  (06/14/2018)

Agreed Smile

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Richard  (06/13/2018)

Awesome screenshot! I have always enjoyed the variety in Eregion.

Fibrojedi  (06/14/2018)

Yeah there is a great variety - it's technically not that big a region, but there's a lot of story and a huge variety in scenery!

Orclover  (06/13/2018)

nice, that is a really beautiful region

Fibrojedi  (06/14/2018)

Agreed Smile

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